unit vrt;interface{ Еще не реализовано:AssignCrt │ Proc │ Associates a text file with the CRT window.ClrEol │ Proc │ Clears all the characters from the cursor position │ │ to the end of the line.DelLine │ Proc │ Deletes the line containing the cursor.HighVideo │ Proc │ Select s high-intensity characters.InsLine │ Proc │ Inserts an empty line at the cursor position.LowVideo │ Proc │ Selects low-intensity characters.NormVi deo │ Proc │ Selects the original text attribute read from the │ │ cursor location at startup.NoSound │ Proc │ Turns off the comp uter's internal speaker.Sound │ Proc │ Starts the internal speaker.Text Background │ Proc │ Selects the background color.TextColor │ Proc │ Selects the foreground character color.TextMode │ Proc │ Selects a specific text mode.Window │ Proc │ Defines a text window on the screen.}const Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; DarkGray = 8; LightBlue = 9; LightGreen =10; LightCyan =11; LightRed =12; Lig htMagenta=13; Yellow =14; White =15;var CheckBreak : Boolean; CheckEOF : Boolean; DirectVideo : Boolean; CheckSnow : Boolean; LastMode : Word; TextAttr : Byte absolute $40:$66; WindMin : Word; WindMax : Word;const MaxGraphX = 640; MaxGraphY = 480;procedure clrscr;procedur e TextMode (Mode : byte);Function readkey : char;Function KeyPressed : boolean;P rocedure Delay (time : word);Procedure BorderColor (color : byte);Procedure Text Color (color : byte);Procedure GotoXY (x, y : byte);Function WhereX : byte;Funct ion WhereY : byte;{ Для отмазки: }procedure Sound (f : word);procedure Nosound;p rocedure Window (x, y, sx, sy : word);Procedure TextBackGround (color : byte);{ дополнительные процедуры и функции, без которых тяжело дышать } Function stri ( a:longint; w : integer) : string; { Перевод целого числа в строку }implementati onprocedure clrscr;begin asm mov ah, 0Fh int 10h mov ah, 0 int 10h endend;procedure TextMode (Mode : byte);begin asm mov ah, 0 mov al, mode int 10h endend;Function readkey : char; var k : byte;begin asm mov ah, 8 int 21h mov k, al end; readkey := chr (k);end;wieuoewiuepiepewpeoweew eoiwpoiporirukdfjncmxxcmbvygsdwueyiuryrifhfkvnckjkcjhhkhcvxewewewewewwgfjlskjglk gljslkjflksdmnvc;alsk;aasdk;askorepiwpwoeewoflk;;